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Now that is all great news, but we've saved the best for last! While ticket sales to the reunion event have been brisk, we've heard from several classmates requesting more time, and after looking over our schedule and numbers, we feel confident we can extend early bird pricing for another 30 days without any problems. So the current price of $125 will stay in effect until July 15! Yes!
So if you've been on the fence about the event, you have more time! If you're a parent and are busy dealing with your children and end-of-the-school-year activities, we understand! Not even July 4th weekend will get in the way, as the deadline ends more than a week later.
If you already bought your ticket(s), we thank you profusely! This is turning into quite an event. So please continue to spread the word so we can make this the biggest gathering of '86ers ever!
Head over to this page to get details on the reunion! Once you're ready, BUY TICKETS HERE.
Besides the website, we have a very active Facebook group page. Between that and our Twitter account, we will be able to offer all alumni, even if they can't attend, a way to participate in the reunion. More details to come!
The reunion takes place Saturday, October 22 from 6 to 11PM. This five hour party will be held at Harbour Lights Restaurant, located in lovely South Street Seaport, with a spectacular view of the Brooklyn Bridge, outdoor seating and a dance floor.
The evening includes five hours of premium open bar, hors d'oeuvres, dinner and dessert. When the official festivities end, the restaurant staff will stay and serve paid drinks as long as you like.
To learn more about Harbour Lights Restaurant, click here.
So spread the word and help us fill up seats and make this a night to remember!
— The Reunion Committee
(Miguel Chavez, Jhanna Skutelsky Even, Bryant Fields, Ellen Hauser, Jamie Markovitz Hoffman, Daniel Ifcher, Audrey Kingsley, Lynda Roca, Robert Roszkowski, Kari Samuels, and Marianne Merritt Talbot)
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