2011 Attendee List


With less than 24 hours away from the reunion, we have close to 210 attendees!

Please spread the word! We want many more attendees so we can make this our biggest reunion yet! Here are the reunion details. If you have any questions, the FAQ should have the answer. If not, ask us and we’ll update it. Click here to purchase tickets.

If there are any spelling errors or anything you want to let us know about this list, just reply down below or email me.

(* = bringing a guest)

Edward Abeles
Ijeoma Acholonu Ejeh
Christopher Alcazar
Corina Atanase
David Babkow
Loraine Barden Passe
Yongsun Bark
Avi Beinhacker
Candice Belanoff
Jackie Bellis *
Maija Birenbaum
Edward Jason Boisseau
Karina Bothwick Harding
Eric Brandon
Roy Brillante
Mark Bucaj *
Julie (Israel) Carles
Ceming Chao
Miguel Chavez
Humphrey Chen
Wendy (Geneen) Cohn *
Sean Collins
Edward Crane *
Patricia Crowe
Guy Currier *
Chris DaCunha
Brandon Davis
Vicki DiMuro Shank*
Lauren Dome Korman
Catherine Dunleavy-Holzman *
Simon Eisinger
Jaishree Ellis *
George Embriano
Jhanna (Skutelsky) Even
Leonard Farber
Gene Fein
Richard Fernandez
Bryant Fields
Kirill Finkelshteyn
Robyn Firestone
Daniel Fisher
Richard Garbarini
Charles Garcia
Adam Garth Velazquez *
Deborah Gavin Shemony
Greg Gershowitz
Nancy Gianfrancesco Bisulca
Ilyssa Gillman
Scott Ginesin
Leah Golby
Michelle Gong *
Lisann (Karmiol) Gould
Raquel Graham
Anjali Grant
Alexandra Griffing
Caitlin Gutheil *
Jimmy Halikiopoulos
Richard Hamburg
Ellen Hauser
Ayo Haynes
Christine Hoey-O’Connell
Peter Hudson
Diana Hernandez
Bradley Hirsch
Jamie (Markovitz) Hoffman
Michael Hoffman
Philip Hom
Daniel Ifcher
Jordana (Merlis) Jacobs
Chris Katopis
Allan Katz
Kenneth Katz
Audrey Kingsley
Drew Kiriazides
Andria Klarer
Alina Koos
Suzanne LaJoie
Michael Lally *
Amy Lazurus Yaroch
Diana Liu *
Christine Lee
Min Jin Lee *
Cecilia Leonardo
Jacqueline Lewis
Cecilia Lim
Soo Hee (Lee) Lim
David Liebman
Scott Lush *
Kevin Lynch
Gilly Lyons
Vinay Madan
Ben Mainelli
Dana Maken Culver
Donna Marone Cohen
Lisa Matthews Biesinger *
Edward Mazlish
Renee McDonald
Genemarie McManus Pade *
Jamie McShane
Gonzalo Merino
Adam Messinger
Stephanie Miller *
Carlos Monteagudo
Eileen Moore Fitzgerald *
Lisa Neal
Beverly Neufeld
Peter Neuhaus
Noah Nussbaum *
Richard Omura
Alessandra Otero-Reiss
Lynda Pak
Jonathan Passe
Teddy Preston
Danielle Pritchett
Daniel Peltz
Jeong Pi
King Phojanakong Jr.
Manny Ramirez
Margaret Ramirez Olivo
Todd Reid *
Michael Reisman
Mark Reiss
Arthur Robinson
Lynda Roca
Christine (Barrett) Rosner *
Robert Roszkowski
Marianne Ruddy
Jonathan Salkoff
Kari Samuels
Beth Schneiderman
Thomas Seibert *
Allie (Alisa) Shepko
Scott Sheridan
Sumathi Sivapalasingam
Chris Soto
Josh Stern
Alison Streit Baron
Danielle Strauss
Sean Sullivan
Betty Sze
Marianne (Merritt) Talbot
Barrie Tapia
Stavros Tingirides
Charmian Todd Boyd
Shari Turitz
Jean-Paul Valensi
Christopher Vega
Leo Victoria
Joan (Feldbaum) Vidra
Tanya (Behasa) Villanueva
Jeffrey Weber
Robin Weiner Gusick
Norman Williams
Karli Woods
Barbara Wurem*
Jean Yee
Ayelet Yoles
Cally Zachariadis Kalantzopoulos
Laura Zarko Arus
Scott Zerner