Pre-reunion cocktail

Michael Lally writes:


Thanks to Greg Gattuso and Jackie Bellis, we have a place to meet for a few drinks before the reunion. Thus, you are all welcome to a no host pre-cocktail:

Saturday, October 21st
4:30pm – 6:30pm
McGee’s Pub and Restaurant
240 W. 55th St. between Broadway-8th Ave.
Subway: N, R, Q, W, F to 57th St.
Two-story Irish pub. Lots of space, lots of tables and chairs. Good service.
This is real close to the reunion place, so no transport required and we can get lubricated in advance.

This is not an exclusive event — please pass on to alums who may wish to join.

Best to All!



Posted in Fun

Photographer on board

Chrystal Wade-Borden is stepping up to the plate and will be attending not just as a classmate but also as a professional photographer. She’ll be bringing her camera and special equipment that allows her to print out shots immediately. I’d like to take this moment to thank Chrystal for doing this! It is much appreciated.

Junior in our midst!

OK, I’ve updated the attendee list. We’re up to 75 Alumni attending, with guests that comes out to a total of 106! I’m impressed! A special surprise for some of you will be hearing that Christine Bocker is attending. She actually left Junior year and moved down to Florida. However her heart has always been with us at Science. As she so often reminds me, she sat in front of me in Mr. Levy’s Mechanical Drawing class, how could I turn her down? 🙂

Catching up!

We’re 2 weeks away folks from our fabulous reunion!  Things are coming down to the wire, so I’m sorry for letting the blog lapse a bit. I’ve gotten several payments recently and I’ll be adding their names to the attendee list ASAP!  And I’ve also got to update the gallery, really great shots of our classmates as well as their children.  More to come!