Today’s the big day!  In a few hours, this blog will go offline for the evening.  Why? Because we’re going to dedicate this site to a live feed of the reunion! If the internet god’s are smiling down on us, we’ll be transmitting video from at least one webcam at the event.  You’ll also be able to CALL IN and talk with us.  Get a head start and head over to Skype.com, download their latest client, and get ready to dial in. Our Skype account is bxsci86. Skype only allows one-to-one conversations, so if you do get on, don’t stay on to long, someone else may be trying to call in as well!

Last minute attendees

We’re coming down to the wire, so just to clarify for those of you that have been sitting on the fence: Yes, you can walk in to the reunion. Just pay at the entrance in cash, we will not accept checks, credit cards, etc.

Of course, being Manhattan, there will be ATM’s all around, so no worries if all you have is plastic. Just save yourself the hassle and go to the ATM before you come in.

Photographer on board

Chrystal Wade-Borden is stepping up to the plate and will be attending not just as a classmate but also as a professional photographer. She’ll be bringing her camera and special equipment that allows her to print out shots immediately. I’d like to take this moment to thank Chrystal for doing this! It is much appreciated.

Junior in our midst!

OK, I’ve updated the attendee list. We’re up to 75 Alumni attending, with guests that comes out to a total of 106! I’m impressed! A special surprise for some of you will be hearing that Christine Bocker is attending. She actually left Junior year and moved down to Florida. However her heart has always been with us at Science. As she so often reminds me, she sat in front of me in Mr. Levy’s Mechanical Drawing class, how could I turn her down? 🙂

Catching up!

We’re 2 weeks away folks from our fabulous reunion!  Things are coming down to the wire, so I’m sorry for letting the blog lapse a bit. I’ve gotten several payments recently and I’ll be adding their names to the attendee list ASAP!  And I’ve also got to update the gallery, really great shots of our classmates as well as their children.  More to come!