Lodging help?

Some of our classmates will need a place to stay during the weekend of the reunion. If there are some road warriors out there that know of decent hotels in the city that are easy on the wallet, please comment!

I would like to also take this opportunity to offer my home here in Whitestone, Queens for you and your guest to crash. I can only take a handful of folks, but if you’d like to save some money, feel free to email me and let’s see if we can work something out.

Likewise, if you live here in NYC and would be willing to let someone crash for a few nights, email me and I’ll connect you with folks that are looking for some casual accomodations.

A friend said I was crazy for offering my home up, but I can imagine it may cost up to $800 for a couple to have a place to sleep for 3 nites if they decide to make it an extended weekend trip to NYC. I have the space in my home, my wife doesn’t object, so why not? If saving that money helps convince someone to attend the Reunion, all the better.


Yep, a BLOG! How very modern, hip, and trendy of us. Click on the page links on the right for details on the reunion and who’s attending. The big event is only a few weeks away. Please purchase your tickets soon. Besides mailing in a check, you can use Paypal to reserve your seats at what is sure to be a very fun reunion!

So come back often and check out the site. And when the reunion is over… well, who knows what might be next! This site should encourage interactivity with our class of ’86 alumni. We may be separated by time, distance, work, and family, but something as simple as a blog can break all those barriers, at least for a few minutes, and let us re-connect with old friends and memories.