Early bird pricing has been extended!

The Venue

From our email blast that just went live a few minutes ago:

While ticket sales to the reunion event have been brisk, we’ve heard from several classmates requesting more time, and after looking over our schedule and numbers, we feel confident we can extend early bird pricing for another 30 days without any problems. So the current price of $125 will stay in effect until July 15! Yes!

That’s the best news, but it’s not the only news, read it all here.

2011 Podcast Episode 1

We kick off our new podcast to promote our upcoming 25th Year High School Reunion. Join host and alumni Greg Gattuso as he walks you down memory lane and interviews Miguel Chavez about the upcoming reunion. Later podcasts will features interviews with other alumni and what they’ve been up to in the last 25 years.

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Robert Wogan in serious condition

Our classmate Robert Wogan was in an accident back on March 12. “Falling off a ladder, he suffered posterior cervical decompression, C3 – C5 fusion, and vertebral artery dissection, which rendered him unable to control his limbs.” Please visit the website that his friends have setup to help his family in this time of crisis. http://www.robertwogan.com/

Update: Robert has left the hospital and is now home undergoing outpatient PT/OT! We wish Robert all the best and a speedy recovery!